Gifts by Will
Through various types of bequests to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, you may secure an estate-tax charitable deduction for the value of your gift while providing much-needed support for our mission for years to come.
You may prefer to include in your will or trust a sum of money, a percentage of your estate, a specific asset, a work of art, or a piece of real estate that you wish to give to the university.
Whatever form of bequest you choose, this gift would not be subject to federal estate taxes and therefore may significantly reduce the tax burden of the estate. The value of the bequest may be deducted when the taxable estate is determined, and there is no limit on the deduction amount.
To discuss making a bequest or to receive assistance in drafting language, please contact us.
Following are some examples of bequests:
Specific bequests make a gift of a specific dollar amount or specific assets, such as securities, real estate, or personal property.
Residuary bequests give all or a portion of the rest, residue, and remainder of your estate after payment of expenses and any specific amounts designated to other beneficiaries.
Contingent bequests result in a gift to the university only in the event of the death of other beneficiaries or the fulfillment of certain conditions described in your estate plans.