Fill out my online form.

Only UW Health and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health employees may use this form. If you work elsewhere, please contact your employer to learn how to set up a payroll deduction commitment to support Wisconsin Medicine. Your payroll deduction commitment is being made through the University of Wisconsin Foundation (UWF) which raises, invests, and distributes funds for the benefit of Wisconsin Medicine. Once submitted, the UWF gift services team will review your form and transmit it to UW Health or UW School of Medicine and Public Health human resources to set up your payroll deduction commitment. There may be a delay in the initiation of your payroll deduction as UWF and your organization’s human resource department process the commitment form. If you do not see your payroll deduction within the next two or three pay cycles, please contact wiscmedicine@supportuw.orgYour payroll deduction will remain in place until you notify us otherwise. If you want to discontinue or change your payroll deduction, please contact the UWF Gift Services team.